A girls guide to treating a UTI without getting Thrush in it’s wake

Starting out in the dating world and running the gauntlet of STI’s & UTI’s (not to mention unplanned pregnancies) can be enough to drive a girl wild! In these heady years of partying and new relationships, a girl’s genitourinary health is at high risk of infection. UTI’s or Urinary Tract Infections are extremely common and very uncomfortable. They can result in urinary frequency that makes it hard to walk for fear of needing to pee. It can also cause pain on urination. If you are unlucky enough to have the bacteria responsible travel from the bladder to the kidneys then…

Natural Healthcare is “The Thinking Person’s Medicine”

Whenever I think of natural medicine I think of this phrase. Everything we absorb from the atmosphere (ie pollution, tobacco smoke, electromagnetic radition from devices such as TV’s, mobiles, computers, etc) coupled with everything that we ingest ie food, drinks, alcohol, drugs (prescription or recreational) has an effect on our health. Just as our interactions with family, friends, coworkers and indeed anyone that we come in contact with, has an impact on our health. Our family history has an impact on our health. Our work has an impact on our health. Our exercise or daily movements has an impact on…

Nutritionist’s Top 3 tips for Weight Loss

Find the right diet for you. No two people will respond in exactly the same way to the same way of eating. Eating a vegetarian diet might work well for your neighbour but could leave you feeling bloated and sluggish. Alternatively, eating a higher proportion of protein in an Atkins, Paleo or Keto Diet could do wonders for your brother but leave you feeling constipated and heavier than ever. Effective weight loss isn’t just a calories in, calories out equation. Buring fuel to assist with losing weight is important but moving more and eating less is too simplistic. Eating lower…

Nutritionist says No! to Diet Plans

If you Google a Diet Plan for XYZ (ie weight loss) then you will find a host of websites which will happily give you a list of recipes to eat every day of the week. And while this can be helpful as an initial starting point, it doesn’t address the most important aspect of diets for good health. Every person is unique and has own dietary requirements based on their past and current health concerns. A one size fits all approach simply doesn’t work. It can also become repetitive and uninspiring over time as women feel locked into eating foods…

The little known secret to great health…is in your hands

When I began studying Naturopathy in 2002, I was stunned and amazed by the host of health treatments and information that exists in the field of natural healthcare. Who knew there was a whole wellness industry out there focused on the treatment and prevention of illness? What a concept! Growing up, I had a mostly western medicine approach to health. My only experience of holistic healthcare was from eating a healthy diet, which my parents considered essential for health living. As I was nearing the end of my Naturopathic studies in 2006, I had to decide on an area to…

Are you eligible for a health insurance rebate for Nutrition?

Covid has altered the way we do consultations but things are changing for the better. At present, Telehealth/online consultations are not covered by health insurance providers. However, in person consultations are. So as it currently stands, there are eleven health insurance funds which provide rebates for Nutrition consultations. If you are with one of the health insurance funds, below check your policy to see if you can claim for a Nutrition consultation: Medibank Private NIB Australian Unity Westfund Australian Health Management (AHM) CUA Health (Credicare) HBF Health.com.au MDHF Phoenix Health Fund Queensland Country Health With in person consultations available at…

Does your period wipe out your vitality & mood?

If so, you’re not alone. Many women experience some form of emotional disruption a week prior to, during and to some extent after their period. It can range from frustration and anger to sadness, anxiety and deep depressive feelings. These irrational thoughts that at other times of the month might simply be dismissed as ‘ridiculous’ take on a very serious side when you are premenstrual. Premenstrual Mood Swings PMS or as a client of mine likes to calls it ‘personal mood swings’ or the more serious Premenstrual Mood Dysphoric Disorder PMDD is a common and frustrating experience. There is a…

Clinic Update March 3, 2021

We’ll it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to see my clients face to face but that’s all about to change. Starting on the 17th of April, 2021, Getting Well Naturally will be operating from it’s new home at Suite 2/55 Hudsons Road, Spotswood, Vic 3015! This new clinic is inside the Kingsford Business Centre and the Tiny Clinic. I welcome all past and present clients to join me there. Hudson’s Road in Spotswood is a fantastic location, minutes from the Westgate Bridge and Williamstown Road turnoff with easy access to the CBD, Yarraville, Seddon, Kingsville, Footscray, Newport,…

Yarraville Thrush Clinic Naturopathic Nutrition

Throughout my time in practing in the western suburbs of Melbourne and elsewhere, I’ve noticed a consistent theme of clients presenting with Candida infections. These fungal/yeast infections are endemic in our society. Clients often struggle for years with a baffling array of seemingly unconnected or random symptoms, without any proper explanation or resolution. The merry-go-round of GP’s and specialists visits, tests and medications can be extremely exhausting for clients who just want answers and a treatment that works. If they’re lucky enough to present with a known fungal infection such as Thrush, then they will receive some anti-fungal treatment either…

How to make 2021 your year to get healthy.

Every January Getting Well Naturally comes alive with new patients all with one thing on their minds. The wish to make the new year the one where they finally get their health sorted. Every new year presents us with a clean slate to make changes in our lives. Among the most popular new year’s resolutions is how to get healthier than ever before or to regain the health you once had. If you are wondering where to start on this wellness journey, then look no further than your most pressing health issue. Is it a lack of energy or motivation?…

Do you really know what your eating & more importantly, do you know what it’s doing to you?

Without knowing this essential information you and your family can be unwittingly consuming artifical colors, flavors, neurotoxins, sweetners, sugars, harmful trans fats, unwanted calories, empty calories (from sugar and all of it’s cousins) and poor quality nutrition. Foods (especially processed foods) affect attention span, mood, behavior, skin health, motivation, weight gain, immunity, reproductive and digestive health to name a few. The body struggles to deal with all of these foreign chemicals and will instead store them as fat. So anyone wanting to lose weight in 2021, really needs to know what’s in the food their consuming if weight loss is…

5 tips for overcoming stress this festive season

With less than a month until Christmas, it’s natural to feel a little overwhelmed. This anxiety is compounded this year by Melbourians being fresh out of lockdown. Suddenly family and friends are back on the must see list, along with all of the usual work and home commitments. Adjusting to this change of pace (not to mention the traffic) has left many of my clients feeling absolutely exhausted. Scheduling flights to fly interstate to see family adds another layer of complexity to the mix, when Australian borders outside of Victoria have been rigid for so long. Now amid the rush…

Could you be experiencing Perimenopause without even realising it?

If you’re a female aged 35 yrs or older, you may have a sneaking suspicion that your hormones are changing and are creating havoc in your life. Periods may have become a little less predictable, longer or shorter cycles and heavier or lighter bleeds. Recently you have noticed an increasing amount of anxiety, bloating, headaches and unexplained tiredness. Perhaps even hot flushes and night sweats. Not to mention aches and pains which seem to have come out of nowhere. And alarmingly, you may also be experiencing stubborn weight gain and feeling more irritable or emotional of late. Most women are…

Introducing a NEW approach to personalized Wellness & Weight Loss!

Very exciting news. We’ve just received a new test to enable our clients to see a cross section of their genes (DNA) to gain a very personalized weight loss treatment plan based on their genetic make-up. As we approach the warmer months this test can give you much needed advice on how to mitigate any genetic variations that can limit weight loss and enhance your ability to lose weight based on your unique DNA profile. Individually tailored weight loss recommendations are a hallmark of our successful Naturopathic/Nutritional treatment. And this gives you one more tool in your arsenal for safe…

How do I treat Hayfever naturally in Melbourne’s western suburbs.

Welcome to spring Melbourne! Warm windy days are a definite respite from the cold dreary weather that we’ve been experiencing but now we have another health concern to deal with! Seasonal hayfever is just ramping up as we enter Springtime in Melbourne. Pollens and grass chemicals floating in the air trigger the unwanted symptoms of sneezing, watery eyes, tickling throat, mucous congestion and fatigue. If you suffer from these seasonal symptoms, now is the time to learn how to fortify yourself from hayfever misery and to help prevent it from coming back. The body’s allergic reaction to pollens is not…

Western Subrubs Naturopathy & Covid normal consulting

If you’ve ever Googled ‘Naturopath near me’ or ‘Naturopath western suburbs Melbourne’, then you’ve likely seen the list of local Naturopathic practitioners at your disposal. We’re an eclectic bunch of professionals all ready, willing and able to assist our clients with the very best of natural healthcare solutions. As your local Naturopath I can assure you that while clinics may be closed practitioners are using online and phone consultations to great effect in supporting their clients to get well and stay well. Here in Melbourne, Covid normal consulting has become a new way of life for practitioners and clients alike….

Does your health fund cover Nutrition?

Are you making the most of your health insurance? If you’re considering changing health funds or selecting which Extras you would like to be covered for, then it’s important to know that Nutrition is a popular choice for anyone who is focused on health and fitness or overhauling their health and wellbeing from the ground up. And now is an especially great time to discover how your diet and nutritional status affects every aspect of your mental and physical health. There’s never been a better time to focus on wellness, diet and nutrients and Nutrition consultations covered by almost all…

Melbourne’s western suburbs best kept natural health secret….

Soon after graduating, I began my Naturopathic practice, aptly named Getting Well Naturally, in the Melbourne suburb of Caroline Springs in 2007. Until that time, Naturopathic treatment was mostly only available in the inner western suburbs and people wanting holistic herbal and nutritional treatment had to travel quite a way to access it. After 10 years based in Caroline Springs, I ventured further in towards the city and practiced in a multi disciplinary clinic in Yarraville for two years. I have also done some stints in Brighton, Kew, Northcote and Moonee Ponds along the way. But my heartland is the…

How to gain control of Thrush once & for all

Living life with persistent thrush (vaginal fungal infection) can be debilitating for many women. It can disrupt their work, family, social and intimate relationships and leave them feeling distressed and miserable. Having to restort to topical anti-fungal treatments seems to be the only solution for many. These over the counter treatments for acute infections can reduce the symptoms of thrush temporarily, however, they are unable to prevent it from coming back. Time and again topical treatments are used to manage outbreaks but what if you could learn how to prevent an attack from happening in the first place? Did you…

Is anxiety stopping you from living the life of your dreams?

2020 has certainly been a year of challenges, not the least of which is from a mental health point of view. And while our Australian government has provided a plethora of mental health services to deal with the flow on effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, Aussies are increasingly looking for ways to reinvent themselves, pivot to new circumstances and explore new options in achieving their dreams whilst dealing with circumstances that no one could have forseen. Now more than ever, it’s time to use a complementary health approach to achieve a happy, focused and postive state of mind. Along with…