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Western Subrubs Naturopathy & Covid normal consulting

If you’ve ever Googled ‘Naturopath near me’ or ‘Naturopath western suburbs Melbourne’, then you’ve likely seen the list of local Naturopathic practitioners at your disposal. We’re an eclectic bunch of professionals all ready, willing and able to assist our clients with the very best of natural healthcare solutions.

As your local Naturopath I can assure you that while clinics may be closed practitioners are using online and phone consultations to great effect in supporting their clients to get well and stay well.

Here in Melbourne, Covid normal consulting has become a new way of life for practitioners and clients alike.

Pivoting to an online consulting method has created a fantastic opportunity for people who who may be too busy to otherwise attend a clinic, to get a really in depth Naturopathic or Nutrition consultation in the comfort of their own home.

Clients who are juggling home schooling, young children, working from home and a myraid of other committments, are just some of the people who are benefiting from this more flexible approach to natural healthcare.

There’s really no need to put off booking a Naturopathic or Nutriton appointment as we have made it so easy for you to book, pay, attend and recieve treatment (home delivered of course).

Need a lunch time appointment? No problem we can schedule appointments to suit your schedule. Saturdays are also a popular choice for those clients who work full time.

No more rushinng to make your appointment, navigating traffic and unfamiliar streets. Simply turn on your computer, tablet or phone and click our special link and you’re set! No need to download an App either. Simply connect whenever and wherever it suits you.

Telehealth consulting has been in force since March 2020 in Melbourne and I am now being asked to continue to work this way as it’s very convenient for my clients to schedule appointments without even needing to leave home.

Covid has changed the way we do everything. Our homes are now the centre of our world and we all need to evolve to a new way or working and interacting with our healthcare practitioners.

So if you’re ready to kickstart your Spring health makeover simply email us at with your name, contact number and preferred appointment days/times and we will book you in pronto!

Does your health fund cover Nutrition?

Are you making the most of your health insurance?

If you’re considering changing health funds or selecting which Extras you would like to be covered for, then it’s important to know that Nutrition is a popular choice for anyone who is focused on health and fitness or overhauling their health and wellbeing from the ground up.

And now is an especially great time to discover how your diet and nutritional status affects every aspect of your mental and physical health.

There’s never been a better time to focus on wellness, diet and nutrients and Nutrition consultations covered by almost all health funds.

To claim for a Nutrition consultation see the list of health funds below:

  • AHM 
  • Australian Unity 
  • Medibank Private
  • NIB 
  • ARHG several health funds are included under this umbrella including:
  • CUA
  • HBF
  • (HCA)
  • Phoenix Health
  • Westfund
  • QCH
  • MDHF

Great health and wellness starts when we make a decision to live our best lives. To understand the correlation between what we feed ourselves and how it makes us feel and act.

Leveraging your health insurance to work for you in a proactive way is what you deserve for your investment in health insurance and preventative healthcare.

So make your health insurance work for you and contact us to arrange an initial Nutrition consultation today!

Melbourne’s western suburbs best kept natural health secret….

Soon after graduating, I began my Naturopathic practice, aptly named Getting Well Naturally, in the Melbourne suburb of Caroline Springs in 2007.

Until that time, Naturopathic treatment was mostly only available in the inner western suburbs and people wanting holistic herbal and nutritional treatment had to travel quite a way to access it.

After 10 years based in Caroline Springs, I ventured further in towards the city and practiced in a multi disciplinary clinic in Yarraville for two years.

I have also done some stints in Brighton, Kew, Northcote and Moonee Ponds along the way.

But my heartland is the western suburbs. I honestly think that it’s Melbourne’s best kept secret. And to be able to provide a Naturopathic service to my clients in the west, is an absolute delight.

Fast forward to 2020 and my practice has relocated again. This time to my home! The beauty of this is that I can provide a natural healthcare service the entire western suburbs without anyone needing to travel to see me!

Telehealth consulting has changed the face of health care. Now so long as you have a phone, tablet or laptop you can access the best natural medicine solutions I can prescribe for you.

Connecting to our telehealth service is fast and easy and doesn’t require you to download any apps.

Payment methods allow for BPay and credit card to be used to pay for your appointments and it is all done securely through our patient management system.

Supplements can be couriered straight to your door so treatment can begin as soon as possible after your treatment plan has been emailled to you.

So if you live in Melbourne’s western suburbs simply email us at: and we will schedule an initial consultation for you. (All we need is you full name, contact number, a brief description of your health concern and your availability.)

And as a special treat we are offering initial consultations for $130 (save $30) for a limited time.

How to gain control of Thrush once & for all

Living life with persistent thrush (vaginal fungal infection) can be debilitating for many women. It can disrupt their work, family, social and intimate relationships and leave them feeling distressed and miserable.

Having to restort to topical anti-fungal treatments seems to be the only solution for many.

These over the counter treatments for acute infections can reduce the symptoms of thrush temporarily, however, they are unable to prevent it from coming back.

Time and again topical treatments are used to manage outbreaks but what if you could learn how to prevent an attack from happening in the first place?

Did you know that over the past 13+ years I have been assisting clients with chronic candidiasis (fungal/yeast infection) to get on top of their reoccuring Thrush by addressing the root causes of the infection.

You see when you tackle Thrush on all fronts, you regain control of your of your life and your health.

Candida is a naturally occuring organism in our bodies but it only becomes and issue when certain aspects of your health are disrupted.

Medications such as antiboitics when precribed or overused can destroy the body’s ability to keep Candida in check.

Add to this the effect of diet and lifestyle, stress and other factors and you have the recipe for persistent thrush.

Without having an understanding of these root causes and a tailored plan to address them, women are stuck in a never ending cycle of thrush flare ups and short term treatments.

My role is to educate and empower my clients to take control of their health. Knowledge is power and when you understand the many contributing factors that are keeping you in this endless loop, you have the key to regaining your health and wellness in your hands.

Add to this highly effective, natural treatments and you have winning strategy for getting on top of Thrush once and for all. And should you ever get another bout of Thrush, you will know exactly what caused it and what you need to do to prevent it from reoccuring.

If you live in Melbourne’s western suburbs from Caroline Springs to Taylors Hill to Keilor, Cairnlea, Sunshine, Yarraville, Altona, Williamstown and anywhere in between we have you covered.

Don’t delay book an initial Nurtition or Naturpathic appointment.

Normally $130, currently only $99 for a limited time.

Book online through our booking system Halaxy, on the Contact Us page of based in Melbourne’s western suburbs, Australia.

Is anxiety stopping you from living the life of your dreams?

2020 has certainly been a year of challenges, not the least of which is from a mental health point of view. And while our Australian government has provided a plethora of mental health services to deal with the flow on effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, Aussies are increasingly looking for ways to reinvent themselves, pivot to new circumstances and explore new options in achieving their dreams whilst dealing with circumstances that no one could have forseen.

Now more than ever, it’s time to use a complementary health approach to achieve a happy, focused and postive state of mind.

Along with accessing the vast array of mental health support available, you can speed up your progress of dealing with fear and anxiey by combining it with dietary and nutritional support along with other natural and holistic treatments.

Tacking the issue from all angles gives you a sense of being in control of your life and health. Empowering you to do whatever it takes to achieve mental wellness is very effective in quelling anxiety and depression.

Making simple lifestyle changes can have a massive effect on mental health.

For instance, have you ever experienced the difference a walk in nature or sitting in the sun can have on your emotions and outlook?

Sunshine and exercise are just two very effective, yet often overlooked interventions for anxiety and depression.

Regular access to green space and vitamin D can naturally increase endorphins and serotonin to create a feeling of happiness and ease in the body.

Anxiety and depression can stem from an array of physical, emotional and situational issues. If the issue itself cannot be changed, your abilty to react to it can. Learning how to adjust your mental outlook by consuming good mood foods is just one way of dealing with negative emotions. Diet and nutrients have a profound effect on the the way we experience the world.

By addressing all aspects your health you will reach your wellness goals faster. And in the field of complimentary health, there are always additional things you can try to improve your metal wellbeing.

So if you’re ready to explore additional self-help options to combine with traditional mental health consultations book an appointment today and start living a better life tomorrow.

Email to book an appointment.

Why the foods you choose are they key to good health.

When you work in the field of natural health and nutrition, you’ll never look at foods the same way again. Nutrition is more than can a career, it’s a way of life.

The quest to find the least processed food products is never ending. Because once you have this knowledge, it’s impossible to put something into your mouth without being fully informed of it’s nutritional value. Grocery shopping trips become crusades to find the most wholesome ingredients to make the healthiest dishes to feed the family. 

Processed foods are scrutinized to ensure they’re not full of artificial colours, flavours, preservatives, excess salt, excess sugar, sweeteners and in many cases free of dairy and gluten. (The ingredients list is an essential place to start to access the nutritional value of any packaged food item.)

It’s also helpful to check out the nutrition panel which answers questions such as does this product have any fibre and how much, protein, fat and carbohydrates does it contain?

Everyday we make food choices based on emotions, energy levels, convenience, finances and availability. When buying food for children the choices are often even more complex such as will the child eat these foods and keep them happy?

Without a working knowledge of food as medicine and healthy eating, it can be very easy to fall into bad food habits and unknowingly create and prolong health issues.

Often times my clients are unaware of the links between diet and overall health. Nutritional deficiencies can produce an array of problems ranging from digestive disorders to skin problems, mental and behavioral issues, low energy, low immunity, food allergies and intolerances.

Every health condition you can think of can be improved with a supportive and targeted diet.

This begins with understanding my client’s typical diet and marrying this with their current health concern. From here, nutritional deficiences can be identified and problematic foods identified then eliminated or reduced. Whilst foods that target the specific health issue in a postive way, are incorporated into the diet.

Dietary changes can be challenging but the rewards are amazing. From a client’s perspective, knowing that certain foods can exaccerbate their current health concerns, gives them a very practical and empowering path forward to improve their health.

For instance, a client who wants to reduce their blood pressure would gain immediate benefit from reducing their caffeine intake and eating a diet lower in salt. Not to mention eating more magnesium rich foods and taking a supplement which contains magnesium.

From a natural healthcare point of view, there are a myraid of ways to reduce blood pressure. Regular exercise for 30 minutes a day, reducing stress, getting good quality sleep, meditation and drinking more water to name a few.

Nutritional education is a way of giving clients their power back. They are not merely at the mercy of prescription medication for life.

Of course no-one should go off their prescription medications without first discussing this with their GP, but by enabling the client to take a proactive approach to their healthcare through eating a supportive diet, optimal health can be achieved.

Why Aussies can’t get enough of cooking shows…

On a recent rainy afternoon in Lockdown, I found myself looking to watch the early news at 4pm but instead discovered not one but two cooking shows on air at the same time on different channels.

Our Aussie obsession with cooking shows is seemingly growing by the day!

On Channel Ten I found Good Chef, Bad Chef, an interesting twist on meat loving dishes and vegetarian fare.

Meanwhile the ABC was broadcasting The Cook & The Chef, one of my all time favourites. Maggie Beer is an absolute inspiration. She appears so enamoured with her fresh, whole foods much of which is locally produced. Her passion for creating home style cooking that’s down to earth, wholesome yet rich looks as amazing as I’m sure it tastes. She is truely captivating. Not the least of which is because she is a self taught cook and restauranteur. The show is counter balanced by Chef Simon Bryant who creates equally amazing dishes with a more profession edge. The respect they have for each is very endearing.

Conveying the taste, texture and smell of food on television is quite a feat.

When we start to feel hungry our stomach and mouth begin producing acid, enzymes and saliva in preparation for eating a meal. From a television perspective, showing all the elements that go into making a dish, lights up the pleasure centre of the brain and increases the excitement of seeing the the final dish. Not to mention motivating the audience to replicate the dish in their own kitchen. Desperate to get a taste of what they have just seen.

Perfect lighting and camera work shows off the Piece De Resistance and the meal is devoured by the cast as a mouth watering treat.

The Masterchef juggenout is in a league of it’s own with it’s high degree of difficulty and competition basis for creating astonishing dishes.

And there are many other cooking shows, both locally made for Australian TV and international shows which captivate audiences week in, week out.

My favourtie international shows are anything with chefs Nigella Lawson or Jamie Oliver. Their ability to simplify meals to make it accessable to all is what makes them so appealing. The audience thinks if that if it’s really that easy then maybe I can make it too.

But Nigella and Jamie have the Maggie factor too. They just love their ingredients. And loving ingredients and wanting to make meals to celebrate them, is what it’s all about.

I must confess that while I never follow a recipe, I am inspired by what foods are in season and what I can make with them. Often times I am just experimenting to see what’s possible based on little tips I’ve seen on TV!

My first introduction to cooking shows was working on a channel 9 program called What’s Cooking with French Chef Gabriel Gate. It was my job to type up the recipes, do the credit roll and provide any other text or graphics needed for the show. We would tape five shows for a whole week, starting at 6.30am and finishing at around 3pm and then I’d go and do the news or weather.

The beauty of seeing ingredients become dishes on camera is magical. But best of all was when the crew got to eat the leftovers and the ones prepared earlier!

I was living at time with flatmates and I seldomed cooked. I ate at the staff canteen and shift work made it difficult to have a regular food routine.

Years later I began to cook more and I believe that cooking shows have helped me to become more adventurous and confident in the kitchen. Food is essential and when you can make it more enjoyable, amazing things can happen!

Is alcohol the real reason for your lockdown energy slump?

As we endure Melbourne’s 7th week of Stage 4 lockdown measures, things can go a little awry. Especially, on a day like today when it’s wet, cold and frankly miserable.

You could be forgiven for wanting to stay warm in bed and shut out the world. It’s somewhat of a rude awakening after weeks of relative warmth and sunshine for this time of the year.

Melbourne’s reputation for being a cold grey city is rearing it’s head today.

So what to do? You still have commitments like homeschooling the children, working from your laptop and keeping the household on an even keel. None of these things stop when the weather’s bad or when an as yet unstoppable Covid-19 virus comes to town.

Recent talk in the media has cited increased alcohol use in the home either as a coping mechanism or as a substitue for the lack of socialization and entertainment outside of the home.

What starts out innocently enough, a glass of wine while making dinner, can easily become a habitual reliance on a substance that frankly has nothing to recommend it. Sadly, using alcohol as a coping mechanism can end up creating more problems that it cures.

Alcohol is often portrayed as an escape from all your worldly issues. While this may work momentarily, like all drugs, when the effects wear off, it’s manatory that you drink some more to regain that state of bliss.

We’ve seen the panic buying of alcohol at the beginning of the pandemic. It was clearly viewed as an ‘essential item’ as no government dared to close liquor stores.

Beyond the familiar hangover symptoms such as headaches, dehydration and generally feeling blah. Increased alcohol consumption can also have unintended consequences. Like getting to sleep faster only to wake in the night and not be able to go off to sleep again.

Unexpected weight gain is another common side effect of alcohol consumption. The body views alcohol as a toxin, what can’t be eliminated from the body is stored in fat cells, most noteably around the waist (beer belly).

Reducing your energy and vitality. Projects are put on the back burner as you don’t have mental or physical energy to tackle them. Memory and concentration can also be affected due to a lack of B vitamins.

Many people develop systemic Candida infections leading to Thrush (among a myraid of other health issues) which can wreak havock with your physical, mental, emotional and sexual health.

Fertility is also reduced when both partners drink regularly. It affects sperm and egg quality, hormone levels and genetic expression.

For women, alcohol is especially problematic as it’s associated with increased period problems and menopausal symptoms due to nutritional deficiencies and reduced liver capacity to detoxify the body.

For men and women, alcohol increases the risk of all cancers.

And let’s not forget, alcohol does nothing to boost your immunity. The one true asset you have right now to ensure that you stay healthy and well.

Indeed alcohol increases the risk of catching anything and everything as your body is depleted of vital nutritents such as vitamin C and other antioxidants.

So if you want to regain your energy and motivation take stock of the things you have in your control. Simple changes can have a big effect on your health.

If you can’t completely elminate alcohol at least experiment with alcohol free days or reducing the amount/frequency of it’s use. You body will thank you for it.

Replacing it with other healthier options or activities is a great strategy too.

There has never been a better time to take control of your health. Email gettingwellnaturally@gmail today to take advantage of our $99 lockdown special offer and start getting the help you need today for a healthier tomorrow.

Climbing the walls in lockdown? 3 tips to preserve your emotional wellbeing

With the Victorian Government recently announcing that the state of emergency will exend for a further month (until mid-May, 2020) our thoughts are now centred on how to stay sane in these ever changing and unprecedented times.

With so much uncertainty around us, how do we rise above and get out of bed hopeful every morning?

Our daily routines have been turned upside down. Children are studying at home, parents are working from home, countless others are without jobs and income.

No. 1 It’s worthwhile remembering that as Australians we are lucky ones. We have a proactive governments at all levels, some of the highest testing in the world to identify cases and to chase up potential cases of community transmission.

We also have a fantastic health care system. Financial packages which look after almost every sector impacted by these mass business shutdowns and a community which is by and large, adhering to the restrictions to prevent a further spread of the virus.

The impact of all of these measures is showing dividends with case numbers in Victoria now in singles digits across this Easter long weekend.

Adding a further month will allow us to consolidate the gains we have created and will help to prevent a second wave of infections when restrictions are finally lifted.

No. 2 The abilty to spend time in green space is invaluable to maintaining our mental and emotional wellbeing. Coupled with a brisk walk or ride the Vitamin D from the sun (immune boosting) in conjuction with the endorphins (feel good chemicals) from the exercise make this a very healthy daily activity. This is especially important if you live in an apartment or have no backyard. Just 30 minutes a day can make a world of difference to your mental health.

No. 3 Visit a fruit and vege shop and load up on fresh whole foods. There has never been a more important time to look after your body and keep your immunity high and emotions on an even keil.

Brightly colored fruit and vege are full of Vitamins A & C which are perfect for boosting your immunity and protecting your lungs. In particular red, purple and orange/yellow colored foods.

Good quality omega 3 fatty acids from advocados, nuts and seeds also make you super healthy mentally. Along with leafy green vegies full of B vitamins for mood and energy.

Sunshine, exercise and great food can get us through these challenging times. Connecting with family and friends in novel ways online and over the phone can also be invaluable tools to keep us mentally strong.

If all else fails or if you need extra motivation or targeted nutrients or herbal solutions you can access our services online too, via our new Telehealth Consultations.

These are being offered at a special price of $99 to ensure that anyone who does need help can receive it. This offer extend until Mid May or until the lockdown period ends.

Email: to begin your wellness journey.

In the meanwhile stay safe!

Telehealth consults now available, book now!

Well it’s certainly been an eventful couple of weeks in Australia and the world. The likes of which we’ve never before seen in our lifetime.

In recognition of the need for social distancing and maintaining the health and wellbeing of everyone in the clinic, online consulting has now become the norm.

While there is no substitute for in person consulting, especially for the initial consult, our telehealth platform makes it possible to hear your story and health concerns and to create a treatment plan tailored just for you.

And it’s available to you Monday to Saturday by appointment from your very own home computer or mobile and all for the great price of $130 (normally $160).

Supplements if required for your treatment can be couriered to you and test kits can also be dispatched directly to your letterbox and returned via post to be processed by our pathology lab. Your test results are then emailed to us in time for your follow up appointment.

With just a few tweaks we’ve created a consultation experience much like coming to the clinic. You will receive the same great advice and treatment and we are happy to email you additional information if the need arises.

The main difference is that all consultations are now pre-paid, 1 day before your consultation. You will receive an invoice with payment options for you to complete.

In addition to this you will be sent another email with a link that brings you directly into the virtual waiting room. No need to download Apps or do anything special just click the email link and your consultation will begin.

Please be aware that slow internet connections may require that you close other open programs on your computer while the consultation is in progress.

If the internet is down the consultation will be conducted via phone. We will call you.

Please feel free to contact us at if you have any further queries or to request a consultation. Remember you’re not alone and there’s no need to go without Naturopathic healthcare, we are here for you!