If the thought of endless workplace demands and drama is almost too much to bear, be kind to yourself and follow the steps below to maximise your productivity, creativity and enjoyment at work.
Step One
Recognise that to function at your best at work and to have energy left to enjoy life outside of work, you need to nourish yourself well with lots of wholefoods, quality protein and fat and make sure you get enough sleep.
Nutritional demands are different for everyone depending your age, existing medical conditions, activity level, medications, etc. Eating foods that gell with your unique needs is the key sustaining your wellness.
Step Two
Source high quality nutrients and herbal supplements to keep you firing all day and into the night. Depending on your underlying health status, there are a multitude of very effective natural products that can make a world of difference to how you tackle your job and your home life.
In the world of natural medicine herbs and nutrients are used to address health concerns at their root cause. Working with a Naturopath and Nutritionist can help you to identify why your body is out of balance or not as vibrant as you would like and then a targeted treatment plan can be created just for you to address your overall health goals.
While it is possible to source these products over the counter and over the internet; it’s still advisable to do a Naturopathic consultation and be given a treatment plan after a thorough review of your past and present health concerns, medications, etc.
Self prescribing can limit your options, stress your body and drain your wallet. Always seek professional Naturopathic/Nutritional advice first before taking any nutrient or supplement.
Step Three
Energy levels are influenced by many things including nutritional deficiencies, poor immunity, electromagnetic radiation from mobiles, computers, tv’s, etc, co-worker and family dramas, stimulants such as caffiene (coffee, tea, chocolate), exercise of lack thereof, chemicals, pollution and stress.
The degree to which these things impact you, comes down to how well you can negate their effects. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to minimise your energy being drained by electromagnetic smog. Among the easiest of these is to purchase some tumbled gemstones which block this radiation and promote a happy environment with coworkers and family.
Among the best of these are Smoky Quartz and Hematite gemstones. Small gems will only set you back about $3.00 but they are worth their weight in gold. There are also gems to help with improving focus, creativity, motivation, reducing stress and negative self-talk, etc. They are an invaluable and easy to source shortcut to improving your energy and zest for life. Some are also available as jewellery!
Drinking plenty of water is also essential for the body to filter all environmental and internal toxins from the body.
Essential oils can help with improving the air quality especially if people are coughing (disinfect workspace with Eucalyptus or Tea Tree Oil). And they can also assist with reducing stress (Lavender) and improving focus (citrus oils). Depending on your workplace scented candles or diffusers may be used. Beware some oils are less therapeutic and more synthetic, so it’s best to source good quality oils where possible and only use a drop or two as they are very strong. (Always ask coworkers if they are okay with it as some people are very sensitive to perfumes, etc.) If so plants such as Peace Lillies can be very beneficial in improving indoor air quality.
Step Four
Exercise at lunch time or break, even if only to get up to use the photocopier or make a cup of tea. Any type of movement can help to keep your energy up throughout the day. Standing desks are another fantastic idea. Everything slows down when we sit so the more active you are the better. If you can get outside for some sunshine (Vitamin D) you will feel better for it.
If you need help with assessing your nutritional needs an Initial Nutrition consult can do wonders for tailoring a diet and nutritional treatment plan just for you.
Likewise an Initial Naturoapthic consult can be invaluable for devising a holistic treatment plan to enhance your overall health and wellbeing.
Be quick both consultations are currently being offered as a new year special for $110. (Please note this consult is normallly $160 and is only valid if booked online. Rescheduled appointments forfeit this special offer.)