How to defeat Thrush and increase your Fertility.
Whether you’re a woman or a man suffering from Thrush, you may gain some comfort from knowing that you are far from alone.
In recent times I’ve noticed a huge increase in the number of women and men coming to the clinic for persistent Thrush – Candida Infections.
Their stories of suffering from this condition are heartbreaking.
However, the good news is, there’s a safe, natural and effective treatment available.
Listening to my clients talk about the symptoms of Thrush, itching and stinging, vaginal discharge like cottage cheese, fatigue and pain on intercourse, it’s easy to see why women and men can feel completely exhausted and demoralised.
One of the most heartbreaking things of all is the impact Thrush can have on a woman’s fertility. Most women Thrush sufferers will struggle to fall pregnant despite treating themselves with over the counter pressaries, creams and prescribed medications.
It’s frustrating for these women to use the treatment options suggested by their pharmacist or GP only to receive minimal or no lasting relief from the symptoms of their Thrush. Indeed all that’s really happening here, is the superficial treatment of the symptoms without an effort to address the root cause of the Thrush infection.
This is where the Naturopathic treatment of Thrush is different.
Once our clients understand the contributing factors behind a Thrush infection they have the power to defeat it.
By combining an elimination and rotation diet and the avoidance of specific foods, in conjunction with a specialised detox program, our clients recover fully from this debilitating condition.
Our clients also learn how to head off further Thrush infections by being aware of the medications that predispose them to Thrush infections and how to protect themselves if these medications must be used.
They are also far better placed to make good dietary choices to reduce their chances of reinfection.
At Getting Well Naturally clients with suspected Thrush infections (which can affect any part of the body) are given a questionnaire to complete at their initial consultation. This assesses their risk of being positive to Thrush. If they have a high score the client will be given a saliva pathology test to test their IGA and IGG antibodies. These immune system markers can reveal the severity of the current infection and whether or not they have been infected in the past with Thrush. This test is repeated several weeks later to assess the success of the treatment process. The healthy range for IGA and IGG is 0-10. It’s not uncommon for clients to return initial scores of 18- 22. I’ve seen reductions in these scores by 5-7 points in a matter of weeks following our natural protocols.
And best of all our clients are failing pregnant too.
Therefore if you are suffering from Thrush you must take positive action to defeat it straightaway otherwise the alternative is ever worsening symptoms that can lead to other related health problems that can become debilitating and effect your lifestyle and wellbeing.
So why not try a natural and effect approach to ridding your body of those nasty Thrush symptoms today.
Phone 0409 352 478 for an appointment today.