As a fully accredited member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) my clients can claim a rebate if they have extras cover with the following health insurers:
- Australian Country Health
- Australian Health Management
- Australian Union Health
- Australian Unity Health Ltd
- Cessnock District Health
- CBHS Friendly Society
- Credicare
- Defence Health
- Federation Health
- GMHBA (Geelong Med)
- Goldfields Medical Fund
- Grand United Friendly
- HBA/AXA/Mutual Comm./BUPA
- Health Care Insurance
- Health Partners
- Illawarra Health Fund
- Latrobe
- Lysaght Peoplecare
- Manchester Unity
- MBF Australia Ltd/BUPA
- Medibank Private
- Mildura Health Fund
- Naval Health Benefit
- NIB Health Fund
- Phoenix Welfare
- Police Health Fund
- Queensland Country Health
- Railway and Transport
- Reserve Bank Health
- St Lukes
- Sun Health
- Teachers Federation
- Teachers Union
- Transport Health
- Uni Ancient Order Druids
- Westfund Health Fund
Please note, this list is continually being revised as more and more health funds list Naturopathy as a service to their members.
If your health fund does not appear on this list, please give them a call to confirm if Naturopathic services are covered. To make an appointment please contact us today.