Tag Archives: Weight Loss

Nutritionist’s Top 3 tips for Weight Loss

Find the right diet for you.

No two people will respond in exactly the same way to the same way of eating.

Eating a vegetarian diet might work well for your neighbour but could leave you feeling bloated and sluggish. Alternatively, eating a higher proportion of protein in an Atkins, Paleo or Keto Diet could do wonders for your brother but leave you feeling constipated and heavier than ever.

Effective weight loss isn’t just a calories in, calories out equation.

Buring fuel to assist with losing weight is important but moving more and eating less is too simplistic. Eating lower calorie foods which might not be healthy, is just as bad as eating too much. Therefore, substituting foods which appear ‘healthier’ is not always the best way to go.

My Number 1 tip for effective weight loss is reduce or eliminate alcohol.

The body will NOT burn fat in the presence of alcohol. Instead it stores it as fat, if the liver is unable to detoxify it fast enough. Alcohol is toxic to the body and the safest way the body can handle it, is to store it in fat cells unless the liver can keep pace with the amount being consumed and the amount it can eliminate.

By incorporating alcohol free days or elimating it completely, you will reduce your weight quicker. You will also retain far more nutrients and be healthier overall. Your liver will also work better and you will have more energy (for exercise) less brain fog, less mood swings, less period problems, less thrush and the list goes on.

My Number 2 tip for effective weight loss is drink more water.

Invariably weight gain is associated with dehydration. The body will crave food in order to get water. That’s because humans are not good at recognising when they are dehydrated and will only seek water when they have a dry mouth. So the body sends you hunger signals in order to get rehydrated. This often results in over eating, especially if the foods you are eating are low in moisture content.

Avoid drinking large volumes of water all at once and instead have 250 mls or a cup of water every few hours throughout the day, first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Water is effectively an appetite suppressant. When you are well hydrated you will crave less food. You’ll also have more energy, clearer and less wrinkled skin, better brain function, less irritability and be healthier in every respect.

My Number 3 tip for effective weight loss is to ditch weight loss over Winter.

Winter is the most difficult time of the year to begin a weight loss regime.

Your body will fight you every step of the way. Winter is a time of hibernation. It requires you to sleep more, eat more and stay indoors out the cold. Now admittedly, we can override these natural impulses but you will find it more difficult to get up early to go out late to exercise. Not to mention drinking more water when you kidneys just want to dump it to keep you warm! And then there is the issue of wanting to eat stoggier and heavier foods again to keep you warm. Eating salads in winter time is difficult to do.

And while there are ways around this, maintaining your health and immunity during winter and avoiding really unhealthy foods, is a better option for most people. Then come Spring, you will be bursting out of you skin to embark on a weight loss regime.

If you need help with incorporating these measures into your life, book a Initial Nutrition Consultation today and start living the life of your dreams.

Introducing a NEW approach to personalized Wellness & Weight Loss!

Very exciting news. We’ve just received a new test to enable our clients to see a cross section of their genes (DNA) to gain a very personalized weight loss treatment plan based on their genetic make-up.

As we approach the warmer months this test can give you much needed advice on how to mitigate any genetic variations that can limit weight loss and enhance your ability to lose weight based on your unique DNA profile.

Individually tailored weight loss recommendations are a hallmark of our successful Naturopathic/Nutritional treatment. And this gives you one more tool in your arsenal for safe and effective weight loss.

It can also provide information and treatment recommendations regarding the following:

Your ability to lose weight.
Your appetite and eating behaviours.
How your body stores and processes dietary fats.
Your risk of having an abnormal cholesterol profile.
Your vitamin, mineral and other nutrient needs.
Your sensitivity to specific tastes, foods and drinks.

And much more…this very comprehensive report is available to all clients of Getting Well Naturally, exclusively here in Melbourne’s western suburbs.

It can also give you a complete understanding of the type of exercise you are best suited to and your ability to recover. It also looks at your muscle, strength, endurance, recovery and injury risk when you exercise.

Individualized DNA based reports and treatment plans are the future of healthy, achieveable weight loss. The more you can understand about your body’s ability to process nutrients based on genetic variations, the great the likihood of being successful in creating the body of your dreams.

Taking a generic approach to diet and exercise will achieve some results but using a tailored treatment plan based on your unique make up will always provide better results. This is why there is no one size fits all weight loss program. We are all unique.

This report in conjunction with your individual health history and current circumstances, medications, etc. provides the basis for the most comprehensive approach to sustained weight loss.

So if you’re ready for a new approach to weight loss email us today at gettingwellnaturally@gmail.com with your name and contact number and we will kick start your weight loss journey.

Why calories don’t matter….when you eat the right foods

Counting calories while embraced by many as a way of restricting unnecessary food intake, can also lull people into a false sense of security.  

Low calorie processed foods can contain little if any nutritional value. So while swapping a cookie for an ‘allowable low calorie option’ such as a muffin may feel empowering, you may actually be doing yourself a disservice. 

On the flipside, eating more fruit and vegetables which contain negligible calories, nourishes and fills you up at the same time due to their fibre and nutritional content. 

Some natural foods also burn more calories than they contain, so when you eat them the amount of energy the body expends on digesting that food outweighs the calories you consumed by eating them! 

Negative calorie and low calorie vegetables abound. They include awesome greens such as spinach and asparagus to celery and cucumber. Beetroot is another tasty option to add pizzas to your rocket and spinach salad! 

In the world of fruit opt for berries, watermelon and grapefruit. All nutritionally dense and delicious. 

Calories are not a problem when you eat a diet full of natural whole foods. 

And you don’t need to be a vegetarian or vegan to eat healthy, low calorie. Eating an array of healthy fats and protein foods is also advisable to balance your diet and provide all of the necessary nutrients and satiety to your meals. 

Please note these are general guidelines for healthy eating. 

If you find different nutritional advice confusing then you’re not alone. There is no one single way of eating that’s right for everyone. 

Merril offers tailored dietary advice and suggestions designed to work just for you! Whatever your dietary challenges are. Whether it be a lack of time, a lack of inspiration, a specific health concern(s) ie weight loss, fertility, low energy, bad skin or low immunity we have you covered. 

Let’s make 2019 your year to LOOK & FEEL great!

We are offering 20% OFF an initial nutrition consultations throughout January.  

Places are limited so be quick and BOOK ONLINE today.

The Patient Dilemma

Picture this….you’ve just been to the GP and you blood test results show high cholesterol,
high blood glucose levels and borderline high blood pressure.

It was made it clear that you really should lose some weight and that without prescription
drugs you are at risk of a heart attack or stroke and type II diabetes in the near future.

What to do!

Mortified by the onslaught of major disease you walk away with a prescription for a
cholesterol lowering drug (the most commonly prescribed class of drug in Australia) and a
blood pressure lowering drug (you will probably end up on 2 of these as they seldom work
well on their own) and a drug to lower your blood sugar levels. There all fixed!

This constellation of symptoms gives rise to a condition known as Metabolic Syndrome X all
caused by insulin resistance. Addressing all of the main drivers of disease is considered best
practice in the medical community.

So you diligently begin taking all of your prescribed medicines and overtime your blood test
results show some improvement. However, you start to wonder if making some dietary
adjustments will help you to lose weight and then maybe you can reduce or eliminate some of
the drugs you’re taking….because the side-effects are not really what you signed up for.

Your GP refers you to a Dietician who’s covered by Medicare to help with getting your weight
under control. They help you to understand more about foods and the way they interact with
your body. They may even give you a standard meal plan for Type II Diabetes to follow or
send you off to a Diabetes Educator.

Every practitioner here is doing their very best to help you get your health back on track. But
you still wonder if there is more that you can do to help yourself. If there is any other way to
treat these conditions without the need for drugs and to reduce weight and boost energy at
the same time.

To get to the crux of this patient’s dilemma you need to understand that as a Naturopathic
Nutritionist I am going to view your diet, health concerns and medications in a very different
way to any other health professional that you’ll see.

I’ll be looking for nutritional deficiencies that may arise from the drugs that you are taking and
genetic issues that mean that you need extra nutrients to prevent health conditions just like
this. I will also assess your diet to check for foods/drinks that may be exacerbating your
condition and work with your to reduce or eliminate them. I will also make dietary suggestions
tailored specifically to you and your general wellbeing.

I can think of about several nutrients that are crucial for the prevention and treatment of this
condition and they are seldom ever discussed in a medical setting. (That’s because it’s not a
part of a medical treatment plan.) If you’re ready to take the next step in your health journey
book online today.

Is Weight Loss a Misnomer?

Everyone likes to talk about weight loss but what type of weight are people actually losing? In this article, you’ll discover the truth about the term collectively known as weight loss.

In 2003 I attended a seminar entitled “Fat Loss not Weight Loss” as part of my Naturopathic training. Early in the day the lecturer made a comment that I have never forgotten. “You can lose weight just by going to the toilet!” Although Mr. Eddy ND was stating the obvious; it wasn’t until that moment that it dawned on me just how misleading the term weight loss can be. Losing excess fat, fluid, waste or toxins, should be the goal of any healthy weight reduction program. However, for most people, the success of a weight loss program is measured simply by a decrease in kilograms on the scales.

So when “Anita” weighs herself on the scales and she’s 2 kg lighter, she assumes that this is healthy and what she is doing is working. And of course this is understandable given that the generalized notion of weight loss, is all anybody ever talks about! But what if that 2 kg weight loss came at the expense of a reduction in muscle and bone mass? Muscle mass is heavier than fat mass so when it is lost it has a dramatic effect on the scales. The irony is that muscle mass drives metabolism and enables you to burn fat more effectively. So while losing muscle mass might look good on the scales, it actually weakens your overall physique and body structure, decreases your immunity and slows fat loss.

Therefore, as any of my clients can attest, it is essential that you know what type of weight you are actually losing. There have been instances among my male clientele where their overall weight has increased but their physique has improved substantially. This is because their increased weight came from muscle mass which enabled them to burn more fat. It should also be remembered that muscle mass also adds tone to the body and improves its overall appearance. It also produces increased stamina, strength and energy.

Overall physique is a very important consideration when attempting to reduce body weight. Many people have large frames with a high degree of muscle and bone mass. This can weigh quite heavily on the scales but it is very important for the body to have a strong structural framework. The body’s bone mass peaks at 20 years of age but according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 5 to 7 years after menopause bone mass declines by a whopping 20%.

This is because women lose the protective effects of estrogen after menopause which predisposes them to developing Osteoporosis (porous bones) which fracture and break easily. Therefore, maintaining a healthy amount of bone mass is essential to offset this hormonal change.

My advice to anyone undertaking a weight loss program is to make sure that they monitor and manage their progress with regular Body Composition Assessments (BCA) to ensure that muscle and bone mass is not being sacrificed in an effort to weigh less on the scales. Ideally BCA’s need to be done every three weeks as bone and muscle loss can occur with surprising speed.

On a final note I believe it’s unrealistic to compare one person’s weight loss success with another because there are so many variables. Among my clients there are examples of people who weigh lighter simply because they have a smaller frame. There are also examples of people who are heavier yet healthier than others, simply because they have more muscle and less fat mass overall.

Having conducted countless Body Composition Assessments, I can assure readers that there are definitely risks associated with weight loss if it is not monitored and managed correctly. Bathroom scales are next to useless because they do not give you the full picture. Be fully informed about your weight loss program and the type of weight you are losing to avoid serious health issues down the track.

Natural Medicine, Why it’s for YOU

Recent research has shown that 75% of those surveyed had tried Natural Medicine in the last 12 months. As a Naturopath this comes as no surprise. My clinical experience has shown that my clients typically fit into one of four categories, especially if you’re over the age of 30.

1. The first group of clients are those who are passionate about healing themselves through natural medicine supplementation, improved nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle. They prefer to use natural medicine in preference to pharmaceutical drugs to treat their health conditions.

2. The second group are those clients that know that their diet is not healthy and they are experiencing health concerns such as weight gain, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, etc. but feel sure they can get on top of it, given the right information. Many of my clients who come for weight loss are already doing an exercise program but are just not getting the results that they desire because they don’t have all the information they need from a dietary or nutritional perspective to put it all together. There are also other things that affect a person’s ability to lose weight such as hormonal changes in the body (i.e. menopause, andropause, high cortisol levels, adrenal and thyroid issues), toxins, stress, inflammation, infection and allergies). Only by addressing all of these health concerns through natural medicine and diet, can real progress be made.

3. Another type of client that I regularly see are those using pharmaceutical drugs and experiencing lots of side-effects such as weight gain, reduced libido, reduced energy, etc. These clients are looking for a natural alternative to address their health concerns safely and without side-effects. A Naturopath is focused on treating the root cause of the illness rather than simply masking the symptoms. For example, instead of using antihistamines for Hay fever and affecting no real change, the Naturopathic approach would be to rebalance their immune system and supplement their diet with nutrients such as Omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium and zinc.

4. Finally, I see an increasing number of clients who have done the rounds of doctors and specialists and have completed untold numbers of tests, only to be given a complete bill of health. All the while these clients know in themselves that they are not well. In this instance the Naturopath is seen as someone who can explain why their body is producing the symptoms that it is and give them a holistic treatment plan incorporating natural medicine.

So did any of these client categories sound familiar to you?

Natural medicine focuses on changes to the diet, nutritional supplementation and herbal medicine. The treatment plan may also take into account environmental and emotional aspects of your health. For instance, what toxins have you been exposed to and what are your relationships like? Do you enjoy your work and how stressful is your life? Only by looking at the whole picture can potential explanations be given as to why your health has reached the state that it has. What is your body trying to tell you? What changes need to be made to ensure you have optimal health in the future?

Being the practitioner of last resort is not a glamorous title but it is an important one. When clients come to see me they’re frustrated, overwhelmed and at their wits end. They cannot understand why no-one can tell them what’s wrong with them let alone how to fix it. While these people are among my most challenging clients, they are also incredibly rewarding to work with, as each naturopathic consultation brings new information and improvements to their health.

As a Naturopath I get an unbelievable buzz out of helping people to help themselves. There is nothing better than providing an alternative to people who have tried everything else with little success. So if you fall into one of the above categories, you now know that Natural Medicine can help you to improve your health, not only for now but also well into the future.

Phone 9217 6410 for an appointment today.

Naturopathic Weight Loss

What makes Naturopathic Weight Loss is so popular and successful?

When you come to GWN for weight loss, be excited, because what you’re about to learn explains why so many people struggle to lose weight and keep it off.

You’ll also learn why so many factors have contributed to the frustration and heartache that so many people experience when their weight loss attempts are two steps forward and one step backwards.

Many people get a couple of things right but their efforts can be thwarted completely, by the one or two things that they didn’t know to do.

Working with a GWN can give you a significant edge in your weight loss efforts. When you get your biochemistry right and all the other factors sorted, there’s absolutely no reason why you won’t achieve your goal weight.

Society seems to treat being overweight as normal. Many people expect to gain weight as they get older or have children. Men wear a beer belly as if it is an inevitable part of aging.

But if you’re carrying extra weight, you need to approach it as a serious health issue. Weight gain is a sign that there is inflammation in the body, a build up of toxins, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal dysregulation and a myraid of other medical concerns.

If walking up a flight of stairs leaves you puffing and sweating, now is the time to take action. Your heart and circulation are not coping with the small demands you’re placing on them. So what’s liable to happen when you get a bigger stressor in your life? A heart attack, a stroke? What if you’re only in your 30’s or 40’s and you have a young family who depend on you?

Do you’re muscles, back or joints hurt if you’re bend down or you’re legs for too long?

Is you blood pressure dangerously high? Is your cholesterol high, blood glucose levels high?

Gaining weight is not healthy. It’s not normal and it’s no joke.

The consequences are dire.

The question is: Are you ready to learn why GWN Naturopathic Weight Loss is so successful?

There’s no less than 26 factors that a GWN takes into consideration when assessing your weight concerns.

And let me tell you. No other professional will assess all of these things for you. A gym or GP can only assist with a fraction of these issues.

So if you’re not getting the results you need right now, why not experience Naturopathic Weight Loss and find out the keys to successful weight loss.

Be the exception. Call today and show your family & friends how it’s done. Call 0409 352 478 today.

Is Fasting the Magic Bullet for Weight Loss?

Weight loss methods are always a hot topic at this time of the year.

Studies have shown that while calorie restriction is associated with longevity, restricting your food intake pushes your body into starvation mode.

This slows your metabolic rate and encourages your body to store fat rather than burn it for energy.

Skipping meals is a recipe for weight loss disaster. Stimulating your metabolism to burn fat is as easy as eating smaller more frequent, nutrient dense foods specifically for your unique body type, age, gender and lifestyle.

Remember health and weight loss is all about what you eat and when, rather than what you don’t.

It’s a new dawn!

“It’s a new dawn, it’s a new life, it’s a new day for me……”

We’re already one month into 2013 and many GWN clients are making awesome progress with their weight loss plans. All it took was a commitment to make a change and now they’re on their way. I can’t begin to tell you how exciting it is to be a weight loss health coach for these incredible people.

They are an inspiration to themselves, their family, friends and workmates. Regular Body Composition Assessments (BCA) are just the motivation many people need to keep losing weight while preserving their all important muscle mass. BCA’s can also keep track of changes in visceral fat mass (fat beneath the muscle in the abdomen) and this is especially important for the prevention of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Monitoring hydration levels is also important for fat burning as most people who are overweight are also dehydrated; so addressing this is a major turning point for many people on their weight loss journey. BCA’s also measure numerous other aspects of of body composition and can allow us to make subtle changes to our clients diet and lifestyles to maximise their fat burning potential.

For instance, if our clients are consuming too little protein for their body weight, their weight loss will be impeded. At Getting Well Naturally we’re committed to making 2013 the best year for your health ever. Call 0409 352 478 today.

BUPA Weight Loss Rebates

If you are a member of BUPA and need to lose weight check out our Shake-It Professional Weight Loss Program.

Full of vitamins, minerals, fibre and nutrients it’s certain to make you look and feel amazing. Comprising of smoothies, bars and soups you can eat as meal replacements or just as a fat burning addition to a healthy diet.

Combined with regular Body Composition Assessments and nutritional advice at your regular check-ups and you have a winning formula for weight loss.

To find out more, including other Health Funds which rebate on our weight loss progam please visit the Weight Loss page on this website.

To book an appointment to kick start your weight loss journey call 0409 352 478 today.